jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

                                                                   Final blog

this is my last blog of the english  class ¡¡¡ I will tell you my experiences and how I felt to do it.I think that the experience of blog is a wonderful and funny way to learn english softly. I enjoy share my ideas and memories with all my classmates and, perhaps, with rest of people. The possibilities that give us this media platforms are amazing because we can  express our ideas and feeling in a global way. I’m happy with commentaries of my classmates, because they let me know their ideas about my world.
My writing skills, I feel that are better. Also I learned to read so much better, I can understand and create new sentences, sometimes, with complex structure.I would write in the future about my  hobbies or my academic advance.
one of the blog that I liked most was the television series because I could talk about my favorite Turkish TV series as fatmaghul and the sultan, plus I liked to put photos on the blog because it made it more entertaining and I was entertained thinking that maybe my blog was seen by  people that I did not know. I hope to continue with my blog but now I will write about  fashion and music.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi katy <3
    I think the blog was very important for learning more.
    I liked to read your posts. See us :D

  2. Hi katy <3
    I think the blog was very important for learning more.
    I liked to read your posts. See us :D
