viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

"My Favourite Music."

Hi friends today I will talk about my favourite music. Well I like  very kinds of music like rock, pop, britpop, but  I think that I like more the folk music, because I've always liked the sound of the charango, guitar, bass drum, panpipe and quena. I started listening this type of music, since childhood. My liking  for the folk music was not an influence of my parents, only came from me.

 the most prominent bands to me are Inti- llimani, Quilapayun and Jaivas, but the most important was  and always will be Violeta Parra.

Inti- llimani is a Chilean musical group formed in 1967. Together with Quilapayún, is one of  the groups most popular that belonged musical movement called New Chilean Song. 

Violeta Parra was an recording artist, painter, sculptor and ceramicist chilean, considered one of the most important folklorists of America and founder of the popular music of Chile. The contribution of Violeta Parra is considered of great value and significance. But unfortunately she died very young at 49 years of age,  however his work inspired many later artists, who continued their task of rescuing the music of the Chilean countryside.

Finally like useful information Inti-Illimani will perform at the Music Day at the Granja on Sunday 28 of September of 2015 and The Jaivas will be in the theater Nescafe on friday 29 of May of this year.

bye friendss...

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Hello again friends, In this opportunity I will talk of my favorite technological apparatus that is "my television :). I got my TV in Christmas in the year 2000, it's very old but has never failed me for this reason I have never thougt replace it for other television more modern. I always use for watch my favorites tv shows like Sultan, Fatmagul and amor prohibido, I love Turkish tv series. More over I see cable´s tv programs like game of thrones, the walkig dead and big bang theory. The television is important to me because  relax me in moments of stress and creates pleasant moments whit my family. Finally, my life  out  tv  will be bouring because I don´t can relax me with my tv programs, but I belive that I will do others activities like read o listen music, also I will have more time for study. 

bye friend, I hope that you are fine¡ :D

Mucades is my idol¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡